Agile Strategy Partners

A Blueprint for B2B Sales Pros to Win in Uncertainty

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Ever notice that some reps always deliver their numbers while others may struggle?

You know them as the “go-to” pros for new product launches, territory expansion, or perhaps when sales are down they’re called upon to help close the revenue gap.

I’ve spent 25+ years working across numerous B2B industries and have found that the sales professionals who consistently beat forecasts have similar traits….regardless of the product or market. Here are the foundational attitudes and behaviors that set apart these elite sales representatives in B2B selling:

#1: Commit to the Goal

In the fast-paced world of B2B sales, the top performers set ambitious targets and consistently track their progress against these goals. When they face a challenge, they own it and bring a plan to deliver their original commitment. Effective sales representatives take full responsibility to actively manage their pipeline in order to deliver results. This sense of ownership fosters a deep commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. By taking charge, these professionals ensure they are always one step ahead, ready to tackle any challenges the market or competition may throw at them.

#2: Own the Process

Success in B2B sales is not a matter of luck; it’s the result of consistent and repeatable processes. High-impact B2B sales professionals don’t wait for opportunities to come to them. They proactively seek out prospects, engage with leads, and drive the conversation forward to get a commitment. Owning the sales process means being accountable for every phase, from initial targeting to closing the deal all the way through to the follow-up support.

High-performing sales representatives understand how a structured approach enhances their efficiency but also provides valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. By analyzing their activities and outcomes, top sales professionals can identify best practices and refine their strategies. This disciplined approach helps them to consistently achieve high performance and maintain a steady stream of sales, even in fluctuating market conditions.

#3: Decode the B2B Buyer Journey

Understanding the buyer journey is crucial for any B2B sales representative aiming for success. High-impact sales professionals take the time to map out the stages their buyers go through, from awareness to consideration and decision-making. By understanding these stages, they can tailor their approach to meet the specific needs and concerns of their prospects at each phase.

Effective sales representatives also know that the buyer journey is not linear. Different stakeholders may enter the process at various points, each with unique priorities and pain points. By decoding the buyer journey, top sales professionals invest time in understanding the roles and priorities of each decision maker and influencer involved in the buying process. They can effectively address the concerns and motivations of each stakeholder, building strong relationships and gaining their trust. This comprehensive understanding helps them to navigate complex sales environments and secure buy-in from all necessary parties.

#4: Act as a Trusted Advisor

They possess a thorough understanding of the industry, including market trends, competitive landscape, and key challenges facing their customers. Top sales reps are active listeners, paying careful attention to understand the client’s needs, concerns, and objectives to position themselves as more than just a vendor. They are experts on the products or services they sell and can articulate value propositions clearly and persuasively. These reps give their honest feedback and earn the trust of buyers in order to build and maintain strong relationships.

#5: Consistently Persistent

They adapt to changing circumstances, whether it’s a shift in market dynamics or a change in the client’s needs. The top B2B sales professionals can handle rejection well, maintaining a positive attitude and continuing to pursue opportunities in the face of adversity…they don’t give up!!!

Being resilient and persistent is their key to success; they ensure that potential deals are continually moving forward without being overly pushy.

#6: Bring Solutions

They focus on solving the customer’s problems rather than just pushing products or taking orders. The top B2B sales reps often adopt a consultative selling approach and make it easy for their customers to do their jobs. They are committed to continuous learning, staying updated on customer needs, industry trends, new products, and sales techniques. With this solution mind-set when they face a roadblock to reaching a goal they are up for the challenge, and quickly pivot without giving up.

Ready to level-up your B2B Sales Team?

If you’re serious about improving your sales execution start reinforcing these behaviors today to put your team on the right trajectory.

Thanks for your time and if this topic resonates with you please reach out to me to share your success stories or how I can support you with assessing your teams capabilities to build these foundational skills.